Diving Skills Sheet
Diving board rules and safety

Four step approach with feet first entry

Four step approach with dive

Four step approach with swan dive

Front flip from standing position

Four step approach with front flip

Four step approach with one and one half dive

Mastery of One Meter Diving Board

Mastery of Three Meter Diving Board
From www.USADiving.org
Media- Diving 101
Of the six dive types, the first four involve rotating in directions relative to the board and starting position. The fifth includes any dive with a twist. The final group begins with an armstand.
Forward Group
The diver faces the front of the board and rotates toward the water. Dives in this group vary from the simple front dive to the difficult forward four and one half somersault.
Backward Group
All dives in the backward group begin with the diver on the end of the board with back to the water. The direction of rotation is away from the board.
Reverse Group
Formerly called "gainers," these dives begin with the diver facing the front of the board and rotating toward the board.
Inward Group
Formerly called "cutaways." The diver stands on the end of the board with back to the water and rotates toward the board.
Twisting Group
Any dive that uses a twist (excluding armstands) is included in this group. There are four types: forward, backward, reverse and inward.
Armstand Group
Here the diver assumes a handstand position on the edge of the platform before executing the dive. This position is not used on the springboard.
Divers use one or more of the four body positions during each dive:
The legs are straight with the body bent at the waist. Like the straight position, arm placement is dictated by the particular dive or by the choice of the diver.
No bend at the waist or knees. Depending on the dive, there may be an arch in the back. Arm placement is the diver's choice or is defined by the dive performed.
Body is bent at the waist and knees, with thighs drawn to the chest and heels kept close to the buttocks. Feet and knees should be kept together and toes should be pointed.
Indicates the diver's option to use any of the above three positions, or combinations thereof, when performing a twisting dive.
Although several divers may do the same dive, each performance never looks quite the same. This is because each individual has unique mannerisms, characteristics of movement, strengths and timing -- all adding up to an abstract but observable phenomenon called "style."
Style is difficult to assess by any standard, except whether or not you like it. This is why judging is difficult. Even though there are criteria of execution all divers must meet, evaluation remains a subjective process. No matter how well a dive is performed, artistic likes and dislikes of the judges play a large part in the outcome of any contest, and for this reason there are usually differences of opinion among coaches, competitors, judges and spectators about the accuracy of results.
A dive is scored between zero and 10 points (full or half point increments) by each judge. A table of the scores and how they should be awarded appears to the left. Note that the guidelines do not indicate an award of 10 as "perfect," but instead as "very good."
Categories of Judging
Certain parts of each dive must be analyzed and evaluated, and an overall award obtained. The parts of a dive are:
Three or more steps forward to the end of the board before the hurdle and takeoff. Form: Should be smooth but forceful, showing good form.
A diver's lift from the board prior to execution of the dive. Form: Must show control and balance, plus the proper angle of landing and leaving for the particular dive being attempted.
The amount of spring or lift a diver receives from the takeoff greatly affects the appearance of the dive. Form: Since more height means more time, a higher dive generally affords greater accuracy and smoothness of movement.
The dive itself. Form: A judge watches for proper mechanical performance, technique, form and grace.
The entry into the water is very significant because it is the last thing the judge sees and the part probably remembered best. Form: The two criteria to be evaluated are the angle of entry, which should be near vertical, and the amount of splash, which should be as little as possible.