Focusing on safety and stroke development since 2003
Miss Laura offers concierge swim lessons.
This means Miss Laura comes to you!
Miss Laura offers the following lessons
(as established by the American Red Cross)
Swim Lessons for 3 years-Adult
Beginning and Intermediate Diving (pool must be at least 10 feet deep)
Lifeguard Readiness
Swimming for Fitness
(Please note, children must be at least 3 years old on the first day of swim lessons.
Parent/Child classes are available for ages 6 months-3 years of age, but a minimum class size of 5 children is required. Please form your own class.)
$75 - five 30-minute private swim lessons
$60/student - five 30-minute group swim lessons (please form your own groups)
$80 - five 30-minute diving lessons
$30 - one 30-minute swim assessment (swim team prep, skill level determination, etc)
$25/hour, 2 hour minimum - lifeguard
$10 - gas fee/week/family
(waived if 3 or more lessons can be scheduled at the same pool in surrounding time blocks.)
For payment, I prefer cash or checks, paying in full on the final day of lessons. I will accept credit cards via Pay Pal. There is a 4% processing fee added to the prices above for this service, and you MUST pay in full by the fourth day. I cannot accept credit cards in person.
Lessons are 5 30-minute lessons at the same time each day. If you request a time that is not available, Miss Laura will respond with other options within 72 hours. Eight days before your lessons are to begin (the Sunday of the week prior), Miss Laura will confirm the lessons via email. Please add to your contacts so it won't get caught in spam. At that time, you are locked into your time slot and payment will therefore be due in full by the final lesson.
Miss Laura will be in the pool area prior to your lesson in her trademark hat. For all other details, please read the Fine Print.
Safety Day
The last day of swim lessons is SAFETY DAY. Parents and siblings are encouraged to attend this class. The topics covered should be reviewed by every member of the family periodically.
Shhh... As a special treat, sometimes a Mermaid joins us for Safety Day.
The Top Ten Safety Rules of the Pool
1. Be Safe!
2. Never swim alone.

Always swim with a grown up buddy.
3. Don’t run. 

Walk. Slowly.
4. Never dive in shallow water. 

Jump feet first facing forward.
5. Don’t swim if it’s lightning and thundering.

Swim only in good weather.
6. Never bring a glass to the pool. 

Use plastic containers.
7. No smoking.

Chlorine is flammable. This is a fire hazard.
8. Wear a life jacket if you can't swim.

Floaties are only for fun- they can't save your life.
9. Wear sunscreen.

We need to protect our skin.
10.Drink lots of water.

Swimming is hard work, and we need to stay hydrated.
What’s that Emergency Number?
9-1-1. That calls the firemen, the police, and the ambulance. The most important thing to tell 9-1-1 is where you are, then tell them what happened, and finally, listen for instructions. Use a landline or the red emergency phone to call 9-1-1 if you can. Never call 9-1-1 as a joke.
Do you have an Emergency Box at your House?
Never touch someone else’s blood. Always wear gloves to protect your hands. We want blood to stay on the inside of the body, so push down (apply pressure) using gauze until the bleeding stops. Have your emergency box full of supplies and know how to use them.
Are you a Lifeguard?
Don’t get in the water if someone is drowning. Lie down and reach from the side or throw a flotation device. A drowning victim can hurt you by grabbing at your neck and hanging on very tightly. Get a grown up if you can to help you. Safety equipment is not a toy and should only be used in an emergency.
Do you like to go Boating?
What do we wear when we ride our bikes? Helmets! What do we wear in the car? Seat belts! What do we wear on a boat? Life jackets!
Never get on a boat with just a swimsuit. Always wear a Coast Guard approved lifejacket that is yellow, red, or orange. Lifejackets save lives. If you fall off the boat, yell for help. If the boat sinks, everyone should stay together and hook arms. The law says EVERYONE must wear a lifejacket.
Muscle Cramps
Flex and then point your foot over and over, and rub the cramp with your thumbs.
Leave the person where they are and keep them safe. If in the water, hold their head above water so they can breath. If on land, clear objects out of the way and keep their head safe. Do not try to restrain them or put anything in their mouth.
Ask if they are choking. If they can make a sound, they are coughing. Pat them on the back. If they cannot make noise, stand or kneel behind them and make a soft fist. Put the fist right above their belly button and cover your fist with your other hand. Push in and up.
Rescue Breathing
If someone is unconscious, shake them and shout, "Are you ok?" If no response, call 911. Kneel beside them and look at their chest, listen for breathing, and feel for breath on your cheek. If no breath, put one hand on the forehead and one under the chin and tilt the head back. Pinch their nose shut, cover their mouth with yours, and give 2 breaths.
After giving 2 breaths, check for a pulse by putting 2 fingers in the center of their neck and sliding to the squishy part on the side. If you can't feel their heart beat, put your hands together (one on top of the other), and put your hands on the chest between the nipples. Keep your arms straight and push up and down. This pumps the heart. Keep pumping until the ambulance arrives.
Miss Laura is certified by the American Red Cross as a Lifeguard; CPR, First Aide, and AED for the Professional Rescuer; as a Water Safety Instructor (WSI); and as a Lifeguard Instructor (LGI). She is also certified as a Lifeguard and Swim Instructor by the YMCA. Miss Laura began as a Water Safety Aide in 1995 and became a WSI in 2000 working for the local YMCA, city pools, and country clubs. Miss Laura's Swim Lessons began in Denton in 2003. Certifications and references are available upon request.
Reviews are available on my Facebook page,
On Thumbtack
The Fine Print
*Payment is requested in full by the last lesson by cash or check. Returned checks will be charged an additional $45, and full payment is then requested in cash. Online payments, through PayPal are requested in full by the second to last lesson so payment is received by the final lesson.
*A final confirmation will be sent by email the SUNDAY 8 days before your lessons begin. Once lessons are confirmed, you are locked into your time slot and payment is thereby required. You may cancel or change your lessons at any time before they are confirmed.
*Missed lessons can be made up if missed for the following reasons: weather (ANY thunder or lightning), pool closed, or teacher request (such as illness). Given Miss Laura's schedule as a mermaid and actor, make up lessons are not always possible. Miss Laura will always offer to refund or prorate the cost of any missed lesson as well as offer a discount on future lessons. If at least 15 minutes of a lesson is completed before a weather or illness cancellation, it will be considered a full lesson. If 14 minutes or less of a lesson is completed, the lesson will not count.
*Please be aware of other activities when you schedule lessons as they cannot be made up due to doctor’s appointments or travel plans. For safety, the instructor also reserves the right to cancel the lesson due to the student's misbehavior without issuing a refund.
*Refunds will be issued if the student is seriously ill or if the teacher must cancel more than can be made up. This is at the instructor's discretion. If interested, the instructor will attempt to offer lessons during another week, but this is not always possible.
*Students should not be grouped by age, but by skill level. You are requested to form your own groups.
*Swim Lessons are a private business transaction between the instructor and the client. Most lessons are given in HOA/ neighborhood pools. Pool rules MUST be followed at all times. Miss Laura is the guest of a member, and will not be allowed by most rules to teach other guests UNLESS the member is present at each lesson for the entire lesson. Please, do not get Miss Laura in trouble for trespass. The foundation of my business is safety, and in order to continue offering swim lessons, I must follow ALL rules.
*Students only need a swim suit for their lessons. Students are requested NOT to wear swim shoes while in the water as students push off the instructors legs, and these shoes cause bruising. Goggles are permitted as are swim shirts. The instructor provides a few cheap goggles students may borrow for the lesson. Sun screen and a glass of water are HIGHLY recommended 15-30 minutes PRIOR to entering the pool. A stop at the restroom 5 minutes before lessons begin is recommended as well. The instructor provides all teaching equipment including kickboard, noodles, dive-sticks, etc. If any student is afraid to swim without a flotation device (ie floaties), please leave the floaties at home or out of sight during the lesson. The instructor is VERY experienced in helping students overcome a fear of the water and/or a dependence on flotation devices.
*Parents, family members, and friends are welcome to be in the pool area and even to swim during the lesson, but try to refrain from "sitting on top" of the class. Young children are often distracted by mom and dad, and siblings not receiving the lesson can sometimes strive for the instructor's attention. Miss Laura wants to give the student the full thirty minutes without interference.
*Please turn off pool features such as the vacuum and water fountains as you are able to minimize distractions.
*For safety, masks will not be allowed by any swimmer while in the water at any time.

Miss Laura is not available to teach in 2021.
Remember BE SAFE!
Miss Laura is not available to teach in 2021.
Remember BE SAFE!
Miss Laura is not available to teach in 2021.
Remember BE SAFE!
Miss Laura is not available to teach in 2021.
Remember BE SAFE!